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F1 - Open Phone

F2 - Open Inventory

F3 - Show ID number

F4 - Emote Menu

F7 - View charges/invoices

F8 - Open Console

M - Puts your hands up

F - Enter/Exit vehicle

Right Shift (whilst in a vehicle) - Fuel Level / Odometer / Speed / Engine Temp. / Oil Level

T - Open /command menu

B - Point Finger

X - Cancel Emote / Cancel Vehicle Fueling

U - Lock/Unlock Vehicle

Y - Open Trunk

NUMPAD+ or '/engine start/stop' - Start/Stop engine

V - Change point of view

TAB - See inventory hotbar

` - Toggle Voice Range

Left Alt - Contextual Menu (Third eye)

Left CTRL - Lurk/sneak

/carry - Picks up downed players when no AMR in-city.

Left Alt (whilst in phone) - this allows the user to switch between camera/mouse focus.

Esc > Settings > Display > Safezone Size (adjusts your in-game player HUD)