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Getting a house for the first time

The only way to get a house in city is through benefits of specific tiers on our Patreon. The minimum tier needed for requesting your first house is Diamond. Once you have pledged, you can request a house in-city free of charge. 

I've purchased Diamond supporter, how do I get my house now?

Find a house in city that does not have a Image,Image or Image blip. Once you have found one you like go up to the front door and do /requesthouse. Follow the prompts that appear.

You've just requested your first house! Now you will have to wait for approval (or disapproval). This process can take a few days to a week. Housing is done in bulk and when there is an influx in them. You will be notified in supporter chat when it is approved/denied. 

Note: It is NOT recommended to rent a house from another player, as this numerous issues can occur from this such as; items being stolen, owner being inactive for a period of time and the house is deleted. See here for more information regarding inactive houses.