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Robbing Players

Robbing players for items they currently have on them is allowed, but robbing individuals for little-to-no reason is not allowed. (players are required to put effort into their roleplay) 

With that said you need to keep the area you are robbing in realistic (refer to

For example, if it is daytime rob them in an alleyway or a not populated area. Areas marked as 'high crime areas (southern LS)' means people can rob you on sight, day or night. In addition you can not rob people who are currently working a legal job*. What this means is if you are dog walking you must have the dog currently with you, if you are trucking you need to be in/near the truck. This rule will only be in place if you are reasonably currently working.

Staff will use their own digression when dealing with these kind of violations.

Limitations to player robberies include, but is not limited to:

  • Forcing someone to withdraw money at a bank or ATM is not allowed.
  • Robbing individuals for little-to-no reason (put effort into your roleplay)
  • The maximum amount of clean money you can take off another player is $10,000.
  • There are no quantity restrictions on illegal items.

    An exception to this rule includes anyone who is dog-walking or working any legal job south of Olympic Freeway (125). Players working legal jobs in those areas can be robbed and cannot claim immunity from player interaction simply because they are 'on the job'. Mentioning your job status is a guaranteed way to get killed.

Robbing at Metal Detecting is allowed. (this is an unpopulated area of the map) be vigilant as other players may want to steal your loot! *refer to other rules as KoS is not allowed here and only in areas marked as 'Hostile Areas'

Players are to not camp the assassination facility (marked as 'L' on the map, when a hit is placed) with the sole intent to either rob participating individuals and/or to wait for the target to show up. (*players should be going to this facility discreetly with only the intentions to accept the mission and vacate the area)

Individuals are allowed to force the other party to get on their knees when being taken hostage only and are not allowed to make the individual(s) say/perform certain phrases and/or sexual degrading acts whilst on their knees during the hostage situation. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • 'say (x) gang on-top or get blasted'
  • 'get on your knees so i can post you on twitter/take picture'

This type of roleplay is considered 'Low Effort' and has got to the point to where it is completely out of control and players started abusing this just for a guaranteed way to kill the person they were robbing knowing they wont comply to ridiculous demands. (any violations of this specific rule, will be followed with a 'Low Effort RP' violation.)