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Crimes in Unrealistic Areas

Committing crimes in broad daylight, in unlikely areas for crime is not allowed. Simply put, if the crime is unthinkable or extremely improbable in real life, it is not allowed. This rule mainly applies to shooting in 'nice' areas, or areas that would otherwise be considered safe and not a crime hotspot. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Downtown Los Santos
  • Vinewood Boulevard
  • In front of any police stations / hospitals
  • Vespucci Beach
  • Pill-Box Hill
  • Vinewood Hills
  • Used Car Dealership (UCD)

Staff will make the final determination on whether a location is considered unrealistic or not. Players are required to exercise discretion and use their best judgement when it comes to this rule. We will not entertain any arguing about this rule. Generally, the reasonable person test will be applied. Providing some YouTube video, news article, or any other anecdotal evidence will not be a valid excuse or justification for violating this rule.