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Crime, Robberies, and Heists


Store can(24/7, alsoLTD, robLiquor) in-game stores as long as the following is considered:


  • There is a maximum of four (4) criminals allowed inside the building of a robbery.
  • Hostages do not count towards the robbery limit. A maximum of two (2) hostages are allowed.
  • Criminals are allowed to make reasonable demands in exchange for the hostage. Any unreasonable requests will be denied.
  • The store clerk does not count as a hostage.
  • Using a friend as a hostage or prearranging a hostage is not allowed.
  • The police do not need to comply to your demands if they deem them unreasonable.
  • The police do not need to follow the same cookie-cutter script for each robbery. Keep it original and realistic.
  • Civilians committing active robberies or heists are allowed to shoot at the police as they arrive on scene.
  • Bomb threats (threatening to blow up the entire store if the police do not leave) are not allowed.
  • No motorcycles are allowed to be parked inside a building during a robbery.
  • In the event you are killed by the police during a robbery, you are not allowed to leave the game until the respawn & bleed out timer has ended.
More information on specific rules for criminal activity can be found here.